Though not a supporter of Trump, Niko does do an impression of him. It’s his way of fighting back against the administration.
New Year... New Niko
Niko had new headshots taken by the amazing Johnny Marlow. Check them out here
Weight Loss
Over the passed few months Niko has undergone a dramatic weight loss. He hopes this will serve both his health and his career. He’s currently down 85lbs and still going!
Booked A Feature!
Niko booked a feature film! While working at his day job, he had the pleasure of meeting actor/director/producer Danny A.! They hit it off and next thing you know he was flown out to NY to be in Danny’s next feature: Blackjack: The Jackie Ryan Story. Check out his IMDB for more info!
New VO Animation Reel!
Niko has updated his VO Animation reel, which includes quirky, scary and fun characters with impressions as well!
New Commercial Agent!
Niko officially signed with Daniel Hoff Agency for commercial representation!
New Management!
Niko is thrilled to have officially signed with CSP Management!
Criminal Minds Airing 10/10/18
In honor of Season 14 Episode 02 “Starter Home” airing with Niko Papastefanou as the Unsub for the episode. Here’s a photo from set! With actress Libby Baker.
Booked Criminal Minds
While in NY Niko was asked to put himself on tape for the UNSUB role in season 14 of Criminal Minds. Gladly, he set up his camera and went to work on it. Two days later Niko was asked to attend the callback. Sadly, he could not. Niko was stuck in NY until the end of the week. It was a producer session and they were seeing several other actors for the part. The next day he was told, that after seeing other actors and having the producer session they STILL wanted Niko for the role!
Niko is Officially a proud member of SAG!